Experienced. Certified. Local.


Together we are STRONGER.

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WE NEED YOU!  NeCRA depends on the volunteer services of our members. We would not be able to accomplish our mission without your involvement and dedication. Whatever your strengths and skillset may be, there is a committee where our association can benefit from your talent. Each committee is an integral part of how NeCRA advances the profession of stenographic court reporting through education, advocacy, and service. Normally, committees are formed immediately after the annual fall convention. This year, however, we are getting a jumpstart, and they will be formed in the summer of 2023. As such, we request your participation at least through the annual fall meeting of 2024. Each committee will have an Executive Board member who will act as chair. Ideally, one NeCRA member will take the lead on a committee and will report updates and issues to the chair. To find out more about a committee that interests you, feel free to contact the current committee chair(s)to request more information. You are welcome to serve on more than one committee. You must be a paid NeCRA member to volunteer on a committee


Click on the committee for description and duties.

Annual fall convention and spring seminar
(Executive board chair - Christal McDonald)
(Executive board cochairs – Gretchen Thomas and Tina Nelson)
(Executive board chair - Denise Winters)
Job Openings/Placement
(Executive board chair - Stefanie Allison; Amy Luttman - lead)
(Executive board cochairs - Stefanie Allison and Tina Nelson)
(Executive board chair – Denise Winters)
(Executive board chair - TBD)
Student recruitment/Project Steno/A to Z
(Executive board chair - Tina Nelson; Mydge Heaney - lead)
Website and social media moderators
(Executive board cochairs - Tina Nelson and Stefanie Allison)

NeCRA makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all material on this site. If a discrepancy arises between any document published here and the official version of that document, the official version shall govern.

The Nebraska Court Reporters Association is a 501(c)(6) org


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