Experienced. Certified. Local.


Together we are STRONGER.

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Become a member! Together we are STRONGER!

Why Join NeCRA?


We monitor, promote and lobby to pass legislation favorable to the interests of court reporters. We are the only organization committed to representing all reporters and reporting agencies in Nebraska. The larger our association, the bigger the voice we can have with our legislators. Simply by joining NeCRA, you go on record as supporting your profession and your colleagues around the state.

What do you receive from being a member of NeCRA?

Your dues help accomplish the following:

  • Keep members informed on developments in the reporting profession in Nebraska and applicable legislative changes

  • Retain the services of an experienced lobbyist who is passionate and aware of the status of stenographic reporting in Nebraska

  • Organize and facilitate the annual convention and midyear seminar to obtain NCRA-approved continuing education and to network with fellow Nebraska reporters

  • Facilitate the goals of Nebraska stenographic court reporters through diverse and efficient committees 

  • Award the Dale Theis Distinguished Service Award yearly to a deserving member

  • Advocate as a voice at National Court Reporter Association conferences and meetings​​

  • Serve as an affiliated state association to the National Court Reporters Association​

  • Cooperate with the judicial branch, reporting schools, law schools and the hard-of-hearing community on common goals​

Why should I join NeCRA if I'm already a member of NCRA?

Membership in both NeCRA and NCRA is essential. While NCRA membership is required to maintain your certification and keeps you apprised of national issues affecting the profession, NeCRA is the only organization committed to representing the interests of Nebraska reporters and agencies. We are experiencing difficult times, and your participation in our state association is key to keeping court reporters on the job in Nebraska. Together we are STRONGER!

NeCRA makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all material on this site. If a discrepancy arises between any document published here and the official version of that document, the official version shall govern.

The Nebraska Court Reporters Association is a 501(c)(6) org


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