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"The Good Life is Calling."
Job Opportunities in Nebraska

Nebraska is a state that offers a great cost of living, high-ranking public education, low crime rates, booming local businesses and Fortune 500 companies, and a good quality of life for all. If you live in Nebraska, you already know this. If you are looking for a new place to put down roots, here are 15 reasons why living in Nebraska is the right choice!

Currently, there are official court reporter positions open in the following cities: Click on the city for more information about each position.  

Omaha, Nebraska: Douglas County, 4th Judicial District

District Court Judge Katie L. Benson

The judicial branch is a state-funded branch of government that offers benefits to include medical/dental/vision, $20,000 free basic life insurance, state-matched 156% retirement plan, 13 paid holidays, earned paid vacation and sick leave, tuition reimbursement and more.

Click here to learn more about why Nebraska is a great place to live, work and play!

For general inquiries regarding job opportunities in Nebraska, please email Amy Luttman, Placement Committee Chair, at amy.luttman@nebraska.gov or YourNeCRABoard@gmail.com.

There are also two openings in Wyoming (Cheyenne and Torrington) for Official Court Reporter positions. Click here for more information.

NeCRA makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all material on this site. If a discrepancy arises between any document published here and the official version of that document, the official version shall govern.

The Nebraska Court Reporters Association is a 501(c)(6) org


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